Dear Friends,
Please Join us for a viewing of an incredible film:
(In)Visible Portraits Documentary
In “(In)visible Portraits” Egbuonu talks to noted academics such as Joy DeGruy, Patricia Hill Collins, Melina Abdullah and Ruha Benjamin, as well as grassroots activists Sheila Thomas and Helen Jones. As a structuring device, the film also features the work of poet Jazmine Williams and visual artist Victoria Cassinova.
The film’s deep reserve of talking head talent includes Joy Degruy
(author of “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” and “America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing”), Dr. Patricia Hill Collins (professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland), Dr. Melina Abdullah (professor of Pan-African Studies at California State University Los Angeles and Co-Founder of BLMLA), and Dr. Ruha Benjamin (Associate Professor of African Studies at Princeton University and author of “Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code”) - LA Times
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